It makes my spidey sense tingle because the price is too low. I have no idea if the NitroOBD2 gadget does anything it claims to do. Others like the DiabloSport handheld tuner can modify the engine tune IF the model supports it. Some just READ data from the OBD2 port.It’s more glamourous than Mariah Carey’s life, it’s got more hidden benefits than the Illuminati, and if you download our Boost app then you’ll be swimming in free stuff and sweet deals for the rest of your life… or until you lose your card or delete the app.
This is the coolest, most exclusive club you’ll ever be apart of. TunerCat OBD2 Tuner must be purchased with our RoadRunner hardware (either with a complete RoadRunner ECM or just a RoadRunner Guts kit ) due to licensing restrictions. For some early 96-97 vehicles, it is often the only solution.